‘First decide what it is you want to express or possess. This is essential. You must definitely know what you want of life before you can fish for it.’….Neville, 1941, Your Faith Is Your Fortune
We often hear that the challenge of life is accessing all that we imagine. Hence, we place our attention and our effort on the work of accessing. Applying our skill and our energy, we focus and take action in support of attaining our end result. So what’s the problem? This is a reasonable, even admirable pursuit. Right? Well, maybe not. In our race to the finish line, we can find ourselves running inadvertently toward something we have only half considered and distinguished. How does this happen?
We are not versed in the art of imagining. We take for granted that we have distinguished what we are pursuing and that both essential tangible and intangible factors will be met. Often, on achieving our target this just isn’t the case. We’re left less than complete and fully satisfied.
We find ourselves ‘fishing’ without a clear sense of what we’re seeking and what would be its perfect fulfillment. The second practice of QuintessentialYou Design addresses this common oversight and goes one step further.
Taking a position of emergence, the practice of Specificity has us determine both the tangible and intangible elements of Desire. It requires us to take time to feel and articulate the ethereal experience of Desire as well as understand and name the substantial aspects that characterize its physical form. This practice guarantees clarity with respect to both the evidence and essence of Desire.
Regardless of our ideal expression of anything, it is the combination of perfect evidence and perfect essence. Anything less than the fulfillment of this relationship leaves us with something that isn’t quite right. We’re left with something that manages to appear as we imagine it and yet, somehow misses in providing the experience we have intended. We’ve all been there at one time or another. Half of the equation just doesn’t cut it. We find ourselves compensating for or rationalizing about that ‘something missing’.
Essence and evidence work hand in hand. One correct element without the other leaves us wanting and wondering. Either the characteristics we see don’t match the qualities we imagine feeling or vice versa. Only when both are satisfied do we find that certainty becomes available. If we have not considered this fact before and take a moment now to try it on, we will undoubtedly see choices we’ve made that fall into one of these categories.
What essential factor was missing from your Desire experience? Given evidence of Desire fulfilled, what missing element deemed it less than perfect? Do you practice Specificity for both essence and evidence aspects of Desire?
For some years I was fascinated by August Strindberg’s plays – ‘A Dream Play’, ‘The Ghost Sonata’, ‘The Road to Damascus’ and so on. In each instance Strindberg dramatises the human territory that is created in the imagining of what we want and the actualisation of what we get. The is a poignant sadness in the dissonance that exists between the two. Are they ever reconcilable? Are we forever to be be frustrated and disappointed because of how we envisage and how we realise? Is it possible to imagine a state of mind or being that we have never experienced? The empiric philosophic tradition would argue otherwise. So how can be specific with regard to something which we have never experienced? And our imaginations are fuelled by our experience!
Interesting the certainty with which you say our imaginations are fuelled by our experience. From the work and perspective of QuintessentialYou, it is a complete juxtaposition to what we have been taught and trained to believe. This view is equally taken by many renaissance and consciousness writers of our day. Take some time to peruse the writings of Neville, Blake, and many others. For me, ‘imagination fuels experience’!
“The whole vast world is only the imaginal act “pushed out.”… Neville