‘A Blueprint for fulfillment lives within every individual, idea, and venture.’ …Kathleen Turcic, QuintessentialYou Design
There is no escaping who we are. Even if it were possible, we would reject the idea completely in the revelation and understanding of what makes you You and me Me. The elements that are unique and inherent in each and every one of us is the mystery and the power of life itself. Meeting, getting to know, and acting from this Self is a life well-lived, an existence worth the journey innate to every individual and collective of individuals, in whatever forms we emerge and whatever expressions we birth.
This post concludes 52 Weeks Of InfiniteFulfillment. From a personal standpoint, this project has delivered a deeper commitment to the work of QuintessentialYou Design, a new look about to be launched (stay tuned) and the clarity of new desire and its fulfillment. I trust you have enjoyed the process for yourSelf. I invite you to stay with QuintessentialYou Design as it takes its next steps and to consider walking your path along with us by committing to your own QuintessentialYou Blueprint AS your process. I know for sure you will be inspired, delighted and intrigued by all that is quintessential you!
In closing 52 Weeks Of InfiniteFulfillment, I invite you to discover the central element of your individual QuintessentialYou Blueprint and to gift a friend or colleague the discovery of theirs. It is my gift to you. To learn more and to make your appointment, contact us at 604.732-7959 or info@QuintessentialYouDesign.com
…And watch for the upcoming new site and next blog series.
This week’s living question – our question to live is a call to peek within:
What is the intimate Blueprint that is Quintessential me?