Kathleen's Blog

InfiniteFulfillment Week 7/52 Check-In: What’s The Surprise of Willingness?

What’s the Surprise of Willingness?……….. it’s a good question.  Perhaps The Surprise of Willingness is recognition that the forever and on-going relationship between quintessential me and universe is the intersection at which creation occurs over and over and over again………… infinitely fulfilling the collaboration of essential universal consciousness and expressive individual me, you, and world.  Perhaps the Surprise of Willingness is the freedom and joy that comes with this intimate recognition and peaceful acceptance.

Distinguish your relationship with essential universal  consciousness. Begin by accepting the Gift of discovering your EssenceExpression – Reveal the ‘How’ and ‘What’ that defines the collaboration and co-creation of QuintessentialYou. Contact us to set up your one hour inquiry gift.

Back to this week’s InfiniteFulfillment question:

What’s in front of me now?

2 Responses to “InfiniteFulfillment Week 7/52 Check-In: What’s The Surprise of Willingness?”

  1. Ron Piper says:

    In front of me is the opportunity to connect with a vibrant universe. The connection will come not through attempting to untangle the seemingly unsolvable but to accept what ‘is’ unconditionally and with gratitude. The willingness to suspend my conscious mind is key but it is difficult without practice. We live for too much of our lives in a busy, rational world where answers and solutions seem to drive and govern all. I see what’s in front of me: I have to overcome the mindset that tries to keep me in another place.

  2. Sylvia says:

    Well said, Ron. For me, the practice of QYou development conversation supports the discipline to accept what ‘is’ and the tangled and unsolvable melt away in the space of here and now.

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