Kathleen's Blog

InfiniteFulfillment Week 4/52 Check-In: How Does Being At Ease Participate?

Acutely aware of my QuintessentialYou Blueprint during this InquiryExploration, I feel absolute about my own response to the question: ‘How Does Being At Ease Participate?’

Reception! Being At Ease participates through reception of what is offered – information, experience, person, circumstance, event, thing….some perceptible expression to which admission of entrance is granted – consciously or not so consciously!

I am the channel for this reception and I receive what my state of being intends – what it holds and contains.  It’s the same as any vessel – The state of the vessel – that for which it is intended – matches what it receives and holds.

Expand the vessel and its state of being and intention – Expand its reception and what it receives.  Damn!  That means the stuff I don’t like or the conditions of my life that I resist and complain about also match my state of being!  I transmit the waves and electric signals that get converted into the forms I perceive!  The stuck places in my life that have transformed are the very same places in which Being At Ease has taken root and I am fully being and owning intention and the EssenceExpression I AM!

Sure as can be, this InfiniteFulfillment Inquiry has had me realize that when and where I am not experiencing the EssenceExpression I AM, my intention is cloudy and hence, my reception is fuzzy, snowy, and noisy!!  Individual is disconnected from Universal – “I’m defective” is present.  Separating is working harder than Integrating – “I’m withholding” is active.  Flaw prevails over Perfect – “I’m threatened” is in play.  Reception is interrupted!

For those of you who have revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint, look at your Blueprint PrincipleDrivers. Your own quintessential version of fuzzy, snowy, noisy Reception lives in your three PrincipleDrivers.

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For those who have not revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint: Begin – Accept our gift: Discover The EssenceExpression You Are. It takes only an hour of your time, in person or by telephone.

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How do I participate?

One Response to “InfiniteFulfillment Week 4/52 Check-In: How Does Being At Ease Participate?”

  1. Ron Piper says:

    Perhaps the question ought to be How do I not participate? Just by being we are participating in in the One. We are like the ancient Aeolian harp through which the wind randomly blows and makes a unique melody. Just by existing and experiencing the world through our senses we participate. Our unique music is our perception and understanding of the world. We are our music.

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