What is intolerable to me?
I saw something new about PassionPurpose as I lived this question this week. There is a subtle difference in how I have held Purpose and a new understanding of how Passion is continually connected to what is intolerable to me. Surprisingly, I noticed it in the routine tasks of life and my approach to them.
For the longest time, I held my intolerance for mediocrity as a resistance to the condition itself. This week, I experienced something new as I allowed the question: ‘What is intolerable to me?’ to permeate my life and activities. I didn’t realize it until I sat down to enter this blogpost – It is NOT the mediocrity itself which initiates my attention and triggers. It is response to the ordinary and mundane that raises my ‘irk’ meter. On first thought, this might not seem significant, but this recognition has made an immediate and I think lasting difference to my experience.
I see the opportunity for excelling and beauty in ways I hadn’t acknowledged before. They were always there – active but with no awareness on my part. As a result, I have a new relationship to the mundane – to raising mediocrity through my response to it. For me, the following quote from Wallace Wattles writing in the early 1900’s captures this notion: ‘…remember that in acting upon your present environment, you must make every act a success in itself;’
This makes perfect sense from the perspective of the PassionPurpose element in my own QuintessentialYou Blueprint.
How is your PassionPurpose connected and active in day-to-day existence? What are the elements of the Blueprint that is quintessential you?