Kathleen's Blog

InfiniteFulfillment Of QuintessentialYou

Anything and everything in existence can be mastered when you experience the truth of who you are.  Once your mind is absorbed in the unbounded nature of pure consciousness, you are no longer upset by the play of opposites.  You witness the world of duality, but you live in the field of pure potentiality.  This is living from the source of lasting happiness – the source of power, freedom, and grace.”…… Deepak Chopra, Power, Freedom and Grace

From the initiation of this blogsite to todays’ post, I have written about the elements of The QuintessentialYou Blueprint:


OpportunityPotential: LearningYearning-ChallengeGift-SkillCapacity


The QuintessentialYou DevelopmentConversation: ConceiveConstruct and ProsperSource






All of these QuintessentialYou Blueprint elements are doorways to realizing – to living InfiniteFulfillment.  From the personality perspective, these elements are experienced as duality and paradox.  For QuintessentialYou, there is no separation, no duality, no paradox.  There is only the perfect integration of all that makes you You – QuintessentialYou. Inherent bliss lives in this InfiniteFulfillment of QuintessentialYouDesire fulfilled in every moment.

Infinite is absolute.  It is total, all-embracing, and eternal.  Beyond what  we define as time and space and what we understand as the extent of magnitude, Infinite has no measure and no limit.  It is available only here and only now.

Fulfillment is fruition.  It is the bringing of something to completion and into actuality.  In what we define as space and time and what we witness as the extent of magnitude, Fulfillment has measure and limit.  It is what we experience right now, right here.

InfiniteFulfillment is the continuous consummation of Desire, complete in every detail – perfect and absolute.  It is accomplishment of what is intended – Desire’s answer to the design of QuintessentialYou by creation.  InfiniteFulfillment responds to Desire by gratification.

Are you living InfiniteFulfillment?

Are you experiencing the EternalNow of InfiniteFulfillment?

Are you present to ‘what is’ InfiniteFulfillment?

Your individual Blueprint is your unique access to recognition of and gratitude for InfiniteFulfillment of QuintessentialYou!

Begin today.  Accept the Gift of EssenceExpression.  Discover this central core and first element of your own QuintessentialYou Blueprint.

Contact me @ 604.732-7959  OR


Watch for my next post:  Living InfiniteFulfillment

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