Kathleen's Blog

ConceiveConstruct-ProsperSource: The DevelopmentConversation of QuintessentialYou

For this and a few upcoming blogposts, I want to introduce you to the  elements of the QuintessentialYou Blueprint revealed through the DevelopmentConversation.  My intention here is to name each element, as well as  show you how  each one completes the form of your Blueprint.  In future posts, I will define and discuss these elements to give you a clear understanding of each one.

The Conceive Inquiries which I have talked about in previous posts, establish the foundation of the QuintessentialYou Blueprint. To recap, you can see each element of Conceive and its placement in the Blueprint form right here.  Each element is noted in red: The QuintessentialYou Blueprint CONCEIVED

The DevelopmentConversation of QuintessentialYou is an intentional conversation series experienced in the sequence in which it originally emerged and organized itself – ConceiveConstruct/ProsperSource:

Construct introduces and has each person distinguish their own QuintessentialYou PrincipleDrivers, PassionPurpose, PracticePotential and CommitmentDesire. During  the Construct DevelopmentConversation, we also become experientially familiar with the Practices of QuintessentialYou, and reveal our individual expression of these practices.

By the way, I think you will have a bit of a chuckle when you hear the way in which the practices ‘arrived’ into my consciousness!  Each of us  spontaneously uses our own expression of these practices in those areas of life where we always meet with accomplishment!  The comfortable, practical approach that works for me resulted in my seeing the Practices of QuintessentialYou. There is power in being aware of and having conscious access to one’s practices.  My favourite practice is ‘Willingness To Be Surprised’.  It is perfect for both recognition and enjoyment!  In future posts I will share the story of the practices and their role in InfiniteFulfillment of QuintessentialYou.

Now, back to the DevelopmentConversation………….

Prosper puts your QuintessentialYou Intentions to work in your life and as a result, you declare Realizations that make your Intentions substantial and concrete.  Your perfect experience of Prosper is recognized through the marriage of what your Intentions and you desire.  This experience is completely unique to every indvidual: You For You, You With Other, You In World.

Source articulates Outcomes sourced from each Realization.  Outcomes are sustainable and constant expressions of each Realization revealed in Prosper. These Outcomes are consistent regardless of the form of results produced, successes achieved, accolades or things acquired.  QuintessentialYou Outcomes are inherent in resulting forms.  They articulate You For You, You With Other, You In World in practical terms.

Ultimately, ProsperSource brings together Realizations and Outcomes to reveal and articulate RealizationOutcome. 

There you have it – ConceiveConstruct / ProsperSource and the form of your  QuintessentialYou Blueprint is complete.  As the journey through the DevelopmentConversation forms the Blueprint, you get you –  QuintessentialYou!

Here you can view the Blueprint in its complete form with each element and its placement noted in red:  The QuintessentialYou Blueprint At Completion of ConceiveConstruct-ProsperSource

Begin today by accepting the Gift of EssenceExpression.  Allow me to gift you this first element that is the central core of the QuintessentialYou Blueprint. Get to know yourSelf and experience the difference it makes in your existence!

Contact me @604.732-7959   OR   Kathleen@QuintessentialYouDesign.com

In the meantime, visit my site @ www.quintessentialyoudesign.com and check out blogposts about the QuintessentialYou Blueprint and QuintessentialYou Design.

Watch for my next post: Construct Principle & Driver – The PrincipleDrivers of QuintessentialYou

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