Kathleen's Blog

52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment: Week 37 – The Thrill Of Seeing Something New

‘There is no greater satisfaction and no deeper joy than that moment when revelation drops into the body – when something previously obscure is suddenly seen and makes sense on so many levels.  It is the gold in the gift of human development and evolution.’ …Me

Inscriptions 2, Amitabh Sengupta

Yesterday, I had one of these deeply satisfying ‘seeing’ moments.  It came in an instant…. and it has taken years.  Initially, as is always the case in this process of human development, I saw my own foible.  Then over the next few hours the download of information had me recognize my own process and its application to human development in general…. and just like magic, it takes its place in the QuintessentialYou Blueprint.  So exciting!  Such a treat!  Surprise and Satisfaction in my everyday work.  Could there be anything better?

This week’s living question – our question to live invites us to have a look at the evidence in our own circumstances and conditions.  Whatever is right in front of us is a direct expression of what we are carrying around and conveying to our world.

What message is my world receiving from me?

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