‘You can advance only by being larger than your present place… The world is advanced only by those who more than fill their present places.’….Wallace D. Wattles
Moksha, Paolo Mara
A recent conversation about satisfaction-gone-missing had me return to this quote. It made me wonder what would it be like if we eliminated our automatic judgment of any dissatisfaction as something ‘wrong’. What if that niggling feeling that sits in the body is simply an indicator of inherent Desire attempting to move from hiding to a knowing place? What if this once dormant Desire is now awakening because we have ‘more than filled our present place’?
When we can’t be with that disappointment or dissatisfaction do we cut off inherent Desire trying to get through? Do we sever the revelation that is wanting to make itself available – that revelation that will serve up change with ease and grace and turn it into the clarity of a new vision?
Are we so busy looking for how to fill wants that we never make time and space for satisfaction-gone-missing to deliver inherent Desire through the gift of revelation? This evolvement is simply and elegantly part of the InfiniteFulfillment of quintessential you.
This week’s living question – our question to live invites us to cast a new light on satisfaction-gone-missing:
Revelation? Unfolding? Enlightening? I like to think of each new day as a gift to see the world differently. Revelation is part of what we are: we are in a constant state of revelation just because of our presence in the world. How can we not be in this state when we exist and our existence is contingent on our relationship with what is ‘out there’. Revelation is not just a part of life: it is our raison d’etre.