Week 32 of 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfilment had me experience a delightful interview with Jesse Dylan on The Good Life Show. The Good Life Show – What an appropriate name for exactly what QuintessentialYou Design and the QuintessentialYou Blueprint are up to.
If you haven’t yet heard the interview, I hope you will take a few moments to have a listen and to consider this week’s question to live – our living question for Week 32 of 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment:
What is essential for my good life? Being able to sponsor rather than struggle with negative energy is key. Asking the question ‘How is this feeling of anxiety helping me to achieve my calling?’ is probably the most important step I have taken to build my good life. Everything, strangely, is a gift.
So true, Rob. Everything — a gift — challenging as that may seem sometimes! In every circumstance there is something that wants to be seen, heard, recognized — revealed. In being with circumstance and emotion, we move through and revelation becomes known. Embracing this notion/practice has me continually come to a place of gratitude for my good life.
What is essential for the InfiniteFulfillment of my “Good Life”? Being in the moment and drinking in all that is going on. Asking the question the second it enters my head and before editing or arguing with it. Not thinking everything to death before acting would be a good mantra for my good life.