‘The mystery and magic of being an individual is to live life in response to the deep call within, the call to become who we were destined to be. In primal terms, it is the call to discover and realize the divine blueprint in the soul. This is where true freedom awaits us.’…. John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
Quintessence is what ancients referred to as the fifth and highest element thought to be latent in and permeating EveryBody and EveryThing. It includes the “All” of each one and every one of us – that which is our warmth and our coolness, the part of us that connects and the part that retreats. Embedded in who we each are is our essential soul and spirit from which we embrace growth and experience love, as well as reject failure and source fear. As expressions of ourselves, conditions and circumstances that are significant to us take form, some disturbing and confusing, others soothing and enlightening. We make choices that initiate direction that leads to approval, success, and contribution as well as paths that don’t produce these outcomes.
All of these have their place and part in our humanity. We are here, on this earth living this existence in this human form. The Quintessence of You and Me and Us creates our world… all of it and all its facets, curves and edges, mountains and valleys, individually and collectively, literally and metaphorically. This is the true beauty of life in all its chaos and calm, with its silence and its noise…. InfiniteFulfillment…. Essence emerging Form emerging Essence and so it goes… and so it goes.
Our opportunity is to see this Quintessence in all expression – to collaborate with it in all conditions and circumstances… to meet it, get to know it, and fall in love with it in all its iterations as ourSelf, with each Other, and in the World. Unconditional acceptance of the perfection of imperfection as it exists in EveryBody and EveryThing awaits discovery…. offers revelation…. gifts beauty in every blueprint for all forms.
This week’s question to live – our living question with respect to InfiniteFulfillment:
What is the Quintessence of me?