Kathleen's Blog

Essence & Expression-The Elegant Magnetism of EssenceExpression

Essence is, in EveryBody and EveryThing, the quality which is the fundamental nature, crucial element, and intrinsic property on which we depend for being.  It is how we are.

Expression is, in EveryBody and EveryThing, the manner in which outward manifestation is conveyed, communicated and represented. It is what we embody.

EssenceExpression is perfect combination of the two, a common structure to all of us and unique to each and every one.  Your perfect ‘how’ and your perfect ‘what’ is completely distinct from any one else’s.  By virtue of being human,  you are an individual unique EssenceExpression and you and only you can identify and articulate this central core of your QuintessentialYou Blueprint.

Your access is not through what you already know. EssenceExpression is accessed through what you do NOT KNOW – at the level of experience and resonance versus thought or analysis. It is this very fact that makes EssenceExpression so emphatic. The first of the QuintessentialYou CONCEIVE Inquiry series, EssenceExpression takes only 1-1.5hrs to complete.  A couple of words make up your EssenceExpression – a couple of words that when placed and articulated together, presence that deep part that is connected to the Source of you – your core.  In the moment of revelation and articulation, you meet the QuintessentialYou you have always known and yet had no way to name. Pure, yet not simple, complex yet not complicated, these two words have always been and will forever be alive in you.

EssenceExpression is the revelation that integrates BOTH essential you AND expressive you, in an elegant and surprising way that embodies the perfection of you!

Through QuintessentialYou, the elegant magnetism of EssenceExpression is realized.  Taking a closer look at this term, we distinguish both ‘elegant’ and ‘magnetism’. The French aviator, adventurer, and author Antoine de Saint-Exupe’ry, known for his classic children’s book “The Little Prince” provides a definition of elegance – the‘elegant’ –  which is  one of the best I have ever come across:  “A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” A definition that I personally use is ‘Nothing Missing-Nothing Extra’.  I love the experience I have when I read these words.  Your own ‘Nothing Missing-Nothing Extra’ experience will resonate something distinct for you.

Magnetism is the attraction of a class of physical phenomena.  With respect to QuintessentialYou, magnetism defines what you draw to you and what you are drawn to, regardless of circumstance, condition, or worldly constructs.  When I reflect on magnetism and its definition, I experience that ‘All of It’ – EveryThingNoThing, in its most precious and particular manifestation.  What about you?

EssenceExpression is the perfect collaboration that makes you, You and me, Me.  It is fulfillment of the QuintessentialYou Blueprint that belongs to you and only you, simultaneously keeping you present and calling you forward: You For You, You With Other, You In World.

What is your EssenceExpression?  Are you ready to find out?

I invite you to join me here and to share your comments as I continue to introduce you to elements of the QuintessentialYou Blueprint expressing itself through me.  It is my joy to share it with you.  I trust you will find yourSelf here and that QuintessentialYou will have you spend some time with me.

In the meantime, visit www.quintessentialyoudesign.com and be among the group of people who are allowing me to gift them their EssenceExpression. Receive this first element of your own QuintessentialYou Blueprint.

Contact me @ 604.732-7959  OR  Kathleen@quintessentialyoudesign.com

Watch for tomorrow’s post – Opportunity & Potential: The OpportunityPotential of QuintessentialYou

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