“Our job is not to worry about the “How”. The “How” will show up out of the commitment and belief in the “what”. The Hows are the domain of the universe”……The Secret
View the Specificity graphic here: The QuintessentialYou Practice of Specificity
The QuintessentialYou Practice of Specificity is emergent. Specificity asks, “What’s would be perfect?”. In this inventive practice, we imagine both substantial, tangible and ethereal, intangible elements of Desire. In consideration of these, Specificity determines both essence and evidence of that which would be perfect. Exploring “What would be perfect”, we reach ‘I’m clear’.
Specificity is accurate and authentic. It is distinct in both evidence and experience. Specificity narrows choice, having us see the expression of ‘perfect’ that is true, inherent, and individual to each one of us. In the context of this individual expression, clarity arises.
Specificity is explored and found within oneSelf. As we grow intimate with and appreciative of ourSelf, Specificity expands exponentially. It demands trial and acceptance of error. Specificity calls for inquiry and consideration, pause and intention to look at what is to be eliminated and what is to be included in the journey toward fulfillment. In knowing intimately what is for you, gratification becomes available. The Specificity of QuintessentialYou nourishes your InfiniteFulfillment.
We are drawn toward Specificity.
What’s would be perfect for you?
What experience-evidence combination is your expression of Specificity ?
Meet QuintessentialYou – Nourish your InfiniteFulfillment.
Watch for my next post …. and the next Practice of QuintessentialYou