Kathleen's Blog

PracticePotential – The QuintessentialYou Collaboration

“Encoded within the Essential Self is an inner potential or genius code.  Both the Essential Self and the genius code are receptive to nonlocal, resonant forms or fields of consciousness”….Suzanne Hubbard, The Life Book: The Blueprint

Having recently written posts about The Practices of QuintessentialYou, it is the perfect time to introduce PracticePotential.

PracticePotential is the basic architecture of The QuintessentialYou Blueprint. It gives the Blueprint structural form to hold its elements and arrange how they fit together.

View the PracticePotential architecture here:  The PracticePotential of QuintessentialYou

Practice is NOT the actions we take.  It is NOT a set of rules to be followed  nor habits and customs to which we must adhere.  Practice does NOT live in routine tasks or systematized procedures.

Practice is application for reaching proficiency and becoming Potential.  In EveryBody and Everything, Practice is individual knowing Desire, hearing Intuition and recognizing Opportunity.  Practice cannot be taught or trained.  It is the innate essence and natural developmental process of becoming.  Practice is evolvement of The QuintessentialYou Blueprint structure ensuring actualization.

Potential is NOT dormant.  It is NOT waiting to be fulfilled when conditions, circumstances, or events are just right.  Potential is NOT an extraordinary, sometime, or rare occurrence.

Potential is resonant Being.  It is the active magnetic field between what IS and what IS NOT.  In EveryBody and EveryThing, Potential is  embodiment and expression.  It is a constant power, always drawing together what IS NOT and what IS to produce cohesion.   Potential is essence transformed and externalized.

PracticePotential is Being becoming.  It is the infinite effect of cooperation between individual and universal –  the actualization of  form and the form of actualization in world.  In continuous movement, PracticePotential is the QuintessentialYou process of collaboration for InfiniteFulfillment of Desire.

What is the PracticePotential of QuintessentialYou?

How is Being becoming through you?

What is your process of collaboration for InfiniteFulfillment of Desire?

Begin today.  Accept the Gift of EssenceExpression – allow me to gift you this first element and central core of your QuintessentialYou Blueprint.

Contact me @

604.732-7959   OR   Kathleen@QuintessentialYouDesign.com

In the meantime, visit my site @ QuintessentialYouDesign.com and learn more about the QuintessentialYou Blueprint and QuintessentialYou Design.

Watch for my next post:  The RealizationOutcome Collaboration

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