I want to share this comment with all of you as it is one individual’s experience of living last week’s question alongside participation with her own QuintessentialYou Blueprint and its process.
‘What’ do I feel? What a perfect question! This month I am living inside “I’m active invitation of love” Much to my resistance, nothing could be more true for me in the ‘what’ I feel. All the evidence ‘out there’ is the rightness of that statement for me, it is giving me what I want for my home, for my relationships and for me. There is definitely a connection to and through my blueprint, in particular with my focus for the year, which is home interacting with energy. So the “what” is the feeling of home.’… Bobbie Reilly, QuintessentialYou Design Participant
Apparition, Philippe Drivet
I’m going to let Bobbie’s comment speak for itself this week and simply invite those of you who read this blog to gift yourself the experience of living and experiencing the weekly question in lieu of thinking about it and answering it. The value is in the living not the thinking. The answer is in the evidence not the analysis.
Try it on. Let yourself feel. Gift yourself the experience. Revel in the evidence. Be in awe!
Have fun!
This week’s living question – our question to live calls us to the acknowledge the experience we’re seeing translated ‘out there’:
A feeling of knowing that I am at one with all about me has taken a special form: a shape of perfect symmetry and balance, insensible to touch. It is perfect and connects me. It brings me peace and rest.