Collaboration with the quintessence of EveryBody and EveryThing is the focus of QuintessentialYou Design. We want EveryOne to be compelled to follow what resonates within because it is from here that greatness emerges. From here, we allow the intelligence of potential and its expression ‘right now’ and creativity, leadership, innovation, and fulfillment become our living brand and unique contribution.
Through apparent separation and opposites – those ‘either/or’ conditions that exist for self, with other, in world – QuintessentialYou Design’s process and practices have you integrate ‘both/and’ to experience a neutral singular ‘point of creation’. From this genesis point, you move to fulfill your potential’s most precious and important desire and intentions. Our work begins with discovery of your EssenceExpression. This central element of your QYou Blueprint names the fundamental ‘how’ and ‘what’ activating your unique potential and its quintessential contribution. Bringing together Essence and Expression gives you access to its collaborative experience and an opening to its possibility. Two following sessions lay your Blueprint foundation in preparation for the ‘inspired next action’ with respect to your desire and focus and our work with you.
LeadershipConversation Series: Presence to Process: Journey to Authentic Leadership
This IntentionalConversation© series is focused on leadership in both personal and professional realms. Using QuintessentialYou Design’s paradigm, the conversation takes an inquiry-exploration-discovery approach to support each participant’s journey toward authentic leadership. Recognizing that knowledge of oneself is central to this journey, the content of every conversation is designed to presence each participant’s individual process in progressively aligning internal experience and authentic external expression.
OUTCOMES: In three initial sessions participants identify and explore the essential experience and leadership expression they are seeking AND lay the foundation of their individual leadership blueprint. As the conversation series proceeds participants become familiar with, develop, and explore the application of their individual leadership blueprint to daily circumstance, interaction, and work.
FORMAT: Each facilitated session includes individual check-in, journal inquiry work, and a resulting exploration that brings awareness to and builds each participant’s innate leadership blueprint. Participants are further supported through weekly online group check-ins and individual DevelopmentConversations© when the need arises.
CONCEIVE Inquiry Series & QuintessentialYou Design’s IntentionalConversation Series
The CONCEIVE Inquiry Series is every individual client’s starting point. Using QuintessentialYou Design’s paradigm, this initial inquiry discerns the foundational elements of one’s living blueprint.
OUTCOMES: Through exploration of essential experience and authentic expression, these three sessions lay the foundation of the QYou Blueprint in preparation for the IntentionalConversations that follow.
The IntentionalConversation Series is a series of human development conversations designed to build, explore, notice, and apply one’s blueprint in day to day life and living. Always in support of knowing oneSelf and the fulfillment that makes possible, conversations progressively decrease in frequency as clients integrate their own natural discipline and practice.
The CONSTRUCT DevelopmentConversation is the first of the IntentionalConversation Series. One conversation in four parts, each part is comprised of twelve sessions that distinguish blueprint elements, provide access to awareness of them, and opportunity to explore them in daily life.
OUTCOMES: Key to aligning internal experience and authentic external expression, this process opens the way to discovering, living, and fulfilling one’s blueprint and its potential in the present – right now – through each circumstance, interaction, and event of daily life.
FORMAT: Each IntentionalConversation session includes individual check-in, journal inquiry work, and a resulting exploration that brings awareness to and builds each client’s innate blueprint. When the need arises, clients are further supported through brief individual DevepmentConversations© included as a part of the IntentionalConversation work.