52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment: Week 5-Experience Being Observant

What if each and every one of us were engaging Being Observant?

Does our active attention raise what could be explored?  Does it support the ‘noticing’  that has new opportunity perceived?

Is InfiniteFulfillment right now?  Is direction clear?  Are we choosing alignment and expansion from what is in front of us?

…..Our Being Observant question to live – our living question with respect to InfiniteFulfillment:

What’s here for me?

InfiniteFulfillment Week 4/52 Check-In: How Does Being At Ease Participate?

Acutely aware of my QuintessentialYou Blueprint during this InquiryExploration, I feel absolute about my own response to the question: ‘How Does Being At Ease Participate?’

Reception! Being At Ease participates through reception of what is offered – information, experience, person, circumstance, event, thing….some perceptible expression to which admission of entrance is granted – consciously or not so consciously!

I am the channel for this reception and I receive what my state of being intends – what it holds and contains.  It’s the same as any vessel – The state of the vessel – that for which it is intended – matches what it receives and holds.

Expand the vessel and its state of being and intention – Expand its reception and what it receives.  Damn!  That means the stuff I don’t like or the conditions of my life that I resist and complain about also match my state of being!  I transmit the waves and electric signals that get converted into the forms I perceive!  The stuck places in my life that have transformed are the very same places in which Being At Ease has taken root and I am fully being and owning intention and the EssenceExpression I AM!

Sure as can be, this InfiniteFulfillment Inquiry has had me realize that when and where I am not experiencing the EssenceExpression I AM, my intention is cloudy and hence, my reception is fuzzy, snowy, and noisy!!  Individual is disconnected from Universal – “I’m defective” is present.  Separating is working harder than Integrating – “I’m withholding” is active.  Flaw prevails over Perfect – “I’m threatened” is in play.  Reception is interrupted!

For those of you who have revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint, look at your Blueprint PrincipleDrivers. Your own quintessential version of fuzzy, snowy, noisy Reception lives in your three PrincipleDrivers.

Join the conversation here.  Post a comment.  We’d love to hear from you.

Subscribe to 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment

For those who have not revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint: Begin – Accept our gift: Discover The EssenceExpression You Are. It takes only an hour of your time, in person or by telephone.

Back to our InfiniteFulfillment Week 4/52 InquiryExploration:

How do I participate?

52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment: Week 4-Experience Being At Ease

Being At Ease is relaxed.  This peaceful approach surfaces options that we may not have explored with respect to Desire.  It leaves space for us to consider if we are engaging Desire using old, familiar tactics or choosing original revelations that offer direction to new pathways.  I love! the excitement of these pathways – they guarantee new beginnings and offer me opportunity to participate in nurturing the fertile ground of synchronicity mmmmmmmmmm!

Being At Ease, I am inspired to share the provocative thoughts and questions posted by people participating in 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment and submitting comments as they live each week’s InquiryExploration.

Below is a sample of comments/conversation.  I invite you to peruse all the comments posted on the site under QYou Community Conversation, and to participate in the conversation by sharing your own experience as you realize InfiniteFulfillment in the life of you:

RonPiper: Just how do I ‘know’ though? Generalisation, trial and error tell us that things will very likely happen. Knowing is really trusting. We trust, therefore, that what happens to us and is coded into the neural pathways that shape our model and map of the world. Is experience little more than another name for our map? And our map is what we navigate the world with: the act of navigating is what we know.

Kathleen: Every one of us absolutely ‘knows’ the experience we are having moment to moment. What if we notice and then have just that experience. Maybe that’s all we need to know. The experience is the experience – What if no navigating is required?

Ron Piper: Is this the experience of being in the moment? The moment when nothing else exists except what you are focused on?

…..And our Being At Ease question to live – our living question with respect to InfiniteFulfillment:

How do I participate?

InfiniteFulfillment Week 3/52 Check-In: What Does Certainty Know?

What Does Certainty Know?

Well Certainty must know faith!  When I experience absolute and assured knowing in the very core of my being, faith just IS!  I don’t even think about it.  It is acutely present – no questions or wondering. Desire is alive – already in a state of fulfillment – Done!

When Certainty is present, my persistent Wants disappear. I automatically give up trying to figure out how or analyze what.  I completely savour Desire and relax into my Intentions.

So what keeps my Wants so often in place, consistently taking over Desire and Intentions?  ‘Trying’ is probably worth considering – When I am inside Want, I keep trying!  Maybe the difference between Want and Desire is purity!  It seems to me that Desire is Desire, pure and simple.  Want has something inside or behind it – a reason or condition, an attempt at something.  I think there’s something to this – something  to be revealed!

For those of you who have your QuintessentialYou Blueprint, check your three IntentionWants: You For You, You With Other, You In World.  These IntentionWants are QuintessentialYou! Looking at my own, I wonder what my fundamental Wants are attempting to achieve or ensure in reference to my Intentions.

For those of you who haven’t yet revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint, begin with your core – Discover your EssenceExpression. It takes only an hour of your time, in person or by telephone.  It is a Gift to you – the beginning of your QuintessentialYou Blueprint revealed.

Back to hanging out with this week’s InquiryExploration:

What experience do I know?

52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment: Week 3-Experience Certainty

Ah Certainty….definitive Certainty! Certainty confirms.  Absolute and assured, it answers the question: ‘What is it?’.

Last week’s Inquiry, ‘What am I producing?’ invited us to see that Specificity produces clear evidence….clear evidence of What we Create in How we Say.

Tentative and elusive, what we create can only be a dulled down version of pure Desire.  Disappointment reigns and we wonder why access  is restricted – well, I do – don’t you catch yourself doing the same in the circumsatnces of your life?  It is a common human condition this tentative and elusive experience.  None of us escape it.  It is an integral,  necessary, and perfect component of Certainty – that absolute and assured place of creation!

In the space of Certainty, we experience knowing the totality of expression and essence in perfect collaboration.  As Barbara Marx Hubbard points out  in her book, Emergence: The Shift From Ego To Essence, ‘It is a participatory universe.  …We are designed to know the design and to participate within it, as aspects of it, ourselves.’

Aware or not, we participate as the Blueprint we each are – designed to experience and know InfiniteFulfillment of exquisite and impeccable QuintessentialMe and QuintessentialYou!

On that note, let’s explore Certainty – this week’s question to live – our living question with respect to InfiniteFulfillment:

What experience do I know?

InfiniteFulfillment Week 2/52 Check-In: What Is Specificity Producing?

‘…..Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.  How do you know this is the experience you need?  Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.’…..Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Checking in, Exactness is present for me – What’s present For You?

Exploring ‘What am I producing?’, partnership is definitively evident!  SayCreate – HowWhat are undeniable partners!  I notice that I can SayWhat all I want and it makes no difference without moment to moment presence  to experience.  The ‘exactness’ of Specificity is externalized precisely.  HOW I SAY is WHAT I CREATE.  I don’t mean ‘HOW’ in terms of process or detail stipulation.  I mean ‘HOW’ in terms of  energy and intention – the HOW of my spirit – with which I SayWhat.  Turns out Specificity doesn’t fool around.  Expression meets Essence…. exactly.  Perfect form every time.

So I ask myself: ‘How am I saying what it is I say?  What am I creating?’  The only unequivocal response is ‘Notice’ – every time.  What is my experience?  How is my being?  Simply notice every freeze frame of experience, I tell myself. Sounds simple.  So I try without comment, judgment, or evaluation.   Experience only.  Notice.   Experience.  Notice experience.  It is not as simple as it seems.  I am interrupted by my thoughts and ‘fix-it’ considerations.  When my own musing stops long enough, I am offered the thoughts and ‘fix-it’ considerations of others.  Incessant.  What will have me stop?  What will have us stop?

What will it take to simply notice and accept each EssenceExpression? What will have us meet Specificity’s only requirement, its singular next indicated step – Experience and notice experience?

If you have revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint, take a few moments to presence the EssenceExpression you are.  It is your quintessential HowWhat. If you haven’t yet revealed your QuintessentialYou Blueprint, begin with your EssenceExpression. It takes only an hour of your time, in person or by telephone.  It is QuintessentialYou’s gift to you.

In the meantime, I invite you to share 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment. Having people around us subscribe to this conversation supports our Inquiry and expands our Exploration.  Participate by posting your comments and the discussion that arises as we continue to experience:

What am I producing?

52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment: Week 2-Experience Specificity

‘There’s no out there out there’….John A. Wheeler, Physicist

We speak permission through word.  Word resonates.  Vacuity – space –  holds all potential.  Word and vacuity meet.  Activation occurs, inducing the process to produce outcome.

This week’s InquiryExploration for 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment is all about Specificity.  The experience of Specificity is inventive.  In asking What would be perfect, we are invited to imagine both substantial- tangible AND ethereal- intangible elements of Desire.  This musing is our pathway to speaking the experience of Desire into existence.

What would be perfect? At first consideration, it may not seem like such a big question.  We ask and answer this question a multitude of times in daily conversation.  Looking further however, the question includes both Evidence and Essence in the perfect fulfillment of Desire.  This is a much bigger order.  From this perspective, we have to ask ourselves:  What are we putting out there?  What are we speaking into existence?

With focus on BOTH Evidence and Essence in exploring this InfiniteFulfillment inquiry, I wondered: Am I clear?  Clear what? Clear availability?  Clear vessel?  Clear container?  Clear source?  Clear transparency?  What about you?  How do you complete the statement: ‘I’m clear______________’?

On further reflection I wondered ‘so what?’  What does each of my ‘I’m clear’ statements provide?  What does clear availability provide?  Clear vessel? Clear container?  Clear source?  Clear transparency?  For me, the answer came straight and simple:  I’m clear partnership….. even when I think or wish that I am not!

‘Clear partnership’ – that had me take a full stop: As I speak permission through word, what am I really creating?  What is resonating into the space that holds all potential?  With what is the essence of my word resonating?   What is the essence of my word meeting in the space?  My evidence is my answer – all of it!  My word and what is in and behind and around my word – its resonance – produces my outcome.

Clear partnership – SayCreate – HowWhat – EssenceExpression.

Specificity emerges…..Week 2 of 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment –

Specificity’s exploration – our question to live – our living question with respect to InfiniteFulfillment:

What am I producing?

InfiniteFulfillment Week 1/52 Check-In: What Is The Experience Of Desire?

A few logistics before I update with respect to the initial post for our 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment…..

I had a bit of a learning curve getting the post to your email.  Please forgive the delay.  I have learned that subscribing to the RSS feed does not automatically set one up as a Subscriber so I will be revising the site to make a subscription option clearer.

In the meantime, to subscribe, please enter your full name and email address in the top right hand corner of the site  and click on Accept Now.  That way, you will receive all the posts for 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment in your InBox.

Now, back to Week 1’s InquiryExploration –

Checking in, Surrender is present for me – What’s present For You?

In Living this InquiryExploration as I go about my days,  the thing that strikes me most is my musing: ‘What Is The Experience Of Desire?’  I think this speaks directly into Ron Piper’s comment, Perhaps this desire should have the status of a proper noun: it seems so vitally important.’ This question: ‘What Is The Experience Of Desire?’ can be heard a couple of ways:

  • What is meant by ‘The Experience Of Desire’?
  • Standing in Desire, what is Its experience?

With the Experience of Desire distinguished as the receiving, absorbing, and participating with feeling, ‘What Is The Experience Of Desire?’ becomes an intriguing question.  Desire is a proper noun.  Its Experience must be Patience!  An elemental part of the QuintessentialYou Blueprint we each are, Desire patiently awaits Surrender – our Surrender to the experience of our intrinsic Desire.  This Desire is our individual inherent state of happiness.  In Deepak Chopra’s words in Power Freedom and Grace: ‘The more we live in the state of happiness, the more we experience the spontaneous fulfillment of desire in the form of synchronicity and meaningful coincidence.’ Our experience of this Desire is individual and unique.

The Desire of my own QuintessentialYou Blueprint has been very present for me in this InquiryExploration.  I notice that I spend time wishing and hoping for my intrinsic Desire versus surrendering fully to the experience of It. I intimately know and love the Desire I AM.  When I am present to it, my experience is delicious and yet… It awaits my full surrender!

If you have distinguished your QuintessentialYou CommitmentDesire, look there for your elemental intrinsic Desire: CommitmentDesire In The QuintessentialYou Blueprint.

This fundamental Desire informs all our wants and choices, whether we know it or not.  If you haven’t revealed your Blueprint, the invitation to begin with discovering your EssenceExpression stands.  It is a gift.  The only cost to you is an hour of your time in person or by telephone.

Until next week’s Inquiry, back to this week’s exploration……

What Desire do I experience?

52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment: Week 1-Experience Desire

‘I just want to live while I’m alive‘…….Jon BonJovi

Activation: the amplification of energy that induces a process to produce outcome.

Activation in this context is an exciting proposition.  Rather than setting goals or inventing possibility, ‘the amplification of energy’.  ‘How’ in this context is a mystery.  To me, the obvious option is Living Inquiry and Exploration and giving life space and time to do its thing and allow it to show us ‘how’.  I’m up for that.  You?

Last night I was out with a friend and we had a conversation about this initial post in 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment. We chatted enthusiastically about What’s not perfect with respect to InfiniteFulfillment. As you might imagine, a multitude of factors qualify as ‘not perfect’: recognition, understanding, proof, attraction, appreciation, result, payment, prosperity, etc.  I’m sure you can easily list your own relevant to your own life and circumstances.  Take a moment and distinguish a few.  Avoid ‘explaining’ if you can.  I have found that keeping my responses to one word is key.  It keeps me present to my experience – to what resonates – rather than what I think and figure out through intellect.

In acknowledgment of What’s not perfect, we presence ‘I want’ – our own version, in our own way.  Desire arises in this absence of perfection – essential Desire.

Beginning with focus on the presence and possibility of Desire, my friend and I considered what we want and more importantly what it is that each of these wants would provide.  Ultimately, we noticed that it is more impactful to distinguish what each of our wants would provide than to simply determine what we want.  The secondary question provides the clarity.

In the secondary question: ‘What would each of our wants provide?’, we saw a core challenge of Desire – acceptance – Acceptance of what one experiences as Desire – Acceptance that it is possible.

There is no paradox here.

Acceptance  of what we experience as Desire is possible. Emphasis on experience.

So, here we are Day 1, Week 1 of 52 Weeks of InfiniteFulfillment –

This is Desire’s exploration – our question to live – our living question with respect to InfiniteFulfillment:

What Desire do I experience?